The long and short-form of it: podcasts that will teach you how to write

Whether you are plotting, drafting, staring at a blank page, or keen to get tips from the pros if you want to be an author, theres a podcast for that In this monthly podcast, a celebrated writer selects a short story from the New Yorkers archive to read and discuss with the magazines fiction

There's a podcast for thatCreative writing

Whether you are plotting, drafting, staring at a blank page, or keen to get tips from the pros … if you want to be an author, there’s a podcast for that

New Yorker Fiction

In this monthly podcast, a celebrated writer selects a short story from the New Yorker’s archive to read and discuss with the magazine’s fiction editor, Deborah Treisman. The pleasure here lies as much in the pairings of authors with material as it does the stories themselves: Margaret Atwood reading Alice Munro, or Andrew Sean Greer reading Dorothy Parker, or Tessa Hadley reading John Updike. There is much to be learned about the craft and discipline of short fiction writing from the subsequent discussions, too. A recurring point: fewer words is always better. Also, check out The New Yorker: The Writer’s Voice, where writers read their own stories.

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Approaching its 10th anniversary, the Longform podcast is a weekly hour-long interview with a nonfiction writer about their work, practice and personal philosophies. When it was founded in 2012, as a co-production of and the Atavist magazine, co-hosts Max Linsky, Evan Ratliff and Aaron Lammer drilled down into aspects of the craft such as note-taking and revising drafts. These days the scope of their warm, considered conversations has broadened to be as much about life as about writing. Dig into the archives to hear from greats such as Gay Talese, Renata Adler, Ta-Nehisi Coates, Ariel Levy, Ira Glass, Michael Lewis, George Saunders, Susan Orlean and Robert McKee.

Much of their advice applies to all writers, but for a podcast with a fiction slant, check out First Draft.

In Writing With Hattie Crisell

Now in its fourth series, for this pod Hattie Crisell, a contributing editor of Grazia magazine, interviews writers of all kinds about “how they write, why they write, and what they can teach us about doing it better”. There are lessons for everyone who works with words and stories here, from bona fide publishing powerhouses Curtis Sittenfeld and David Nicholls to comedians, playwrights, critics and even songwriters. Crisell is an engaging interviewer who puts her subjects at ease so that they speak freely and frankly about the realities of life as a full-time writer – not least the horror of the blank page. Those just starting out might be heartened to hear that it never gets easier. Writer’s Routine and The National Writing Centre’s The Writing Life are two more UK interview podcasts focusing on the day-to-day.

Start With This

Start With This

Start With This is like a look inside the engine room of the hit podcast Welcome to Night Vale, as co-creators Jeffrey Cranor and Joseph Fink aim to help you “put your ideas in motion”. Each episode discusses a challenge or an aspect of writing – from scene-setting to plotting, finding one’s voice to overcoming perfectionism – before setting the listeners two practical assignments relevant to the subject: “something to consume” and “something to create”. The series concluded last month but, with episodes totalling an entire day and a half, Start With This presents an accessible, supportive step towards starting and extending a regular writing practice. Ann Kroeker, Writing Coach is another podcast with practical exercises (with the added bonus of bitesize episodes as short as 15 minutes).

Between the Covers

With episodes often in excess of two hours, this fortnightly “literary radio show” is one to sink into rather than blitz on your commute. But when you have time to invest, Between the Covers will expand your horizons, in both the exceptional curation of the interviewees – spanning all literary forms, all over the world – and the depth of their conversation. Even if you are not familiar with the works being discussed, host David Naimon will pique your interest. He is patient, never presumptuous, curious and well-informed. This podcast is like the best writer’s festival talk you’ve ever been to, fitting in with your schedule and with no unedifying Q&A session at the end.

