Teen Mom 2 Reunion Part 2 Recap: Leah Hints at Affair With Ex Corey

Teen Mom 2 producers clearly had some fun when editing the Wednesday, Oct. 7, reunion special. They managed to highlight both Chelsea Houska, who is arguably the most boring (read: put-together, normal, and mature) Teen Mom, with Leah Messer, whose life is literally in shambles, forcing fans to sit through half a show about a

Teen Mom 2 producers clearly had some fun when editing the Wednesday, Oct. 7, reunion special. They managed to highlight both Chelsea Houska, who is arguably the most boring (read: put-together, normal, and mature) Teen Mom, with Leah Messer, whose life is literally in shambles, forcing fans to sit through half a show about a pet pig named Pete and the other half discussing pill addiction, affairs, and rehab. 

After Jenelle Evans and Kailyn Lowry shared their stories last week, Part 2 was surprisingly 10 times more dramatic.

Here’s what happened:

Chelsea Houska

Things in Chelsea’s life are great — except for the 20 minutes a year she’s forced to sit on the same couch as her ex Adam Lind during the Teen Mom 2 reunion special. 

One person not on the couch with them was Chelsea’s new live-in boyfriend, Cole DeBoer. The North Dakota gas pumper opted out of the questioning session from host Dr. Drew Pinsky, not wanting to talk about Adam or overstep his bounds. What a sweetie. 

The redheaded mama happily discussed her new relationship, especially the role he’s played in her daughter Aubree’s life, saying, “I’m so happy and grateful for Cole coming into our life and being that person. But I think it’s sad that her real dad isn’t like that or doesn’t give her those same feelings.”

Then jailbird Adam came on stage to defend himself after Chelsea called him “manipulative.” 

“It’s not like I’m sitting here filling Aubree’s head like she’s saying,” Adam said. “[Aubree] wanted to talk to her sister [Paislee],” he added, referencing a scene from the show where he convinced Aubree to call his ex Taylor and beg her to let her see her sister, Paislee.  

“I admit it. I could have been a better father back in the day,” Adam continued. “But now, it’s all about now.”

But when confronted with the “now” — like recently missing Father’s Day and his DUI — Adam didn’t seem interested in having to defend his actions. 

“I went away for a trip. I needed to get away,” he insisted. “There’s times where everybody messes up and has a bad past. The worst thing to do to a man who’s trying to change for the better is to bring up his past. I was in a very bad point in my life. I needed to get away. I have a problem. Sometimes a guy just needs some time to his self.”

He also claimed he is not, in fact, an alcoholic, despite his DUI. 

“It was a bump in the road in my life,” Adam said. 

“Oh boy, that’s quite a bump,” Dr. Drew added. 

He then tried to turn the tables on Chelsea, noting that she’s been filmed drinking on the show and asking if she was an alcoholic. But Dr. Drew quickly shut Adam’s suggestion down, asking Chelsea, “Is there alcoholism in your family? Have you ever had consequences from your drinking?”

Her response was “no” to both questions. Case closed. 

The one topic Adam was rather reasonable about was Chelsea’s love, Cole. This season Aubree started calling Cole “Dad,” but it turned out Aubree’s real dad was far from intimidated by another male presence in his daughter’s life. 

“If he’s a good influence in Aubree’s life, why would I want to take that away from her? He’s a good kid, a good guy,” he said of Cole. 

But the same couldn’t be said for the company that Adam was keeping. He claimed his “problem with women” was in the past, but Chelsea shot back that just two visit prior to the July interview, Aubree had mentioned a new girl being at Adam’s house.  

“That’s my time with Aubree. I don’t give a s—t what people think,” was Adam’s only response. 

Thankfully, there will be no more baby Linds running around. Adam confirmed he has gotten a vasectomy earlier within the past year after another woman came forward claiming he had fathered her child.  

“After I tried to move on, away from a few relationships, I could just tell women were like, ‘If I do this with him, my name’s going to be on the Internet,’” he said, adding, “When [the girl in question] said she got pregnant with my kid, I was in jail.”

“Aren’t you getting papers to take a paternity test?” Chelsea asked. “The girl still thinks he’s the father.” Until next time, Sir Adam: Teller of Tales. 

Leah Messer

After everything that happened to Leah this past season, it’s a miracle she was even able to make it to the reunion, much less slip out of her traditional Uggs and Pink sweatpants to wear a cute sundress — so off the bat, props. The special was filmed in July, which was less than month after the mother of three left a treatment facility. 

She was ready to be open about her 30-day experience away from her children and her town. 

“I think a lot of it was anxiety and depression,” she told Dr. Drew of why she sought help. “A lot of people they don’t realize how much it could affect your life. I didn’t even know how bad my anxiety and depression was until I went to get the treatment.”

Since leaving the facility, Leah revealed she was working with an intensive outpatient therapist to get better and learn more about herself and her kids. She revealed that her “spirited” daughter Ali has ADHD. 

“No medication at all,” Leah said of treating her daughter. “Nobody’s going to give my kid medication. There’s other ways like therapy and stuff like that.” She also added of Aleeah, “She brought her wheelchair here, and she uses it for long distances. I think everybody knows that her disorder’s progressive. But I take it day by day and I think that no matter what, she’s so determined and she’s going to do the things she’s going to do.”

And though Leah painted the picture of being the perfect mom, back on track to helping her kids, her ex-husband Corey Simms refused to let that slide. When it was his turn on the couch, the West Virginia native immediately brought up the drug and pill rumors that circulated around Leah throughout the season. 

“It’s hard for me to get the truth out of Leah about a lot of stuff,” he told Dr. Drew before addressing Leah. “People that would randomly come up to me in public, around our small town, telling me how bad they’ve seen you on drugs. It’s hard to let that slide. Because if you are, and I’ve told you before, we’ll be there to help.”

He also noted that Leah had not yet found a new school for their twin daughters to attend after she had moved following her divorce from Jeremy Calvert

“I would like to have my children in a stable home,” Corey continued. “I don’t think that’s too much to ask. I’ve been in my house going on four years. I’d like to show them what it’s like to be in a place, growing up, stable.”

Corey furthered the attack on Leah, insisting, “I got the same issues she’s got,” but Dr. Drew quickly shut him down, saying, “No you don’t. She has some mental health issues that needed hospitalization. She has no obligation to tell anybody anything, particularly on camera.” 

Things got particularly nasty when the topic of Miranda — Corey’s current wife — came up. 

“Miranda gave me a backbone to stand up to your bulls—t, Leah,” he told his ex. “She has issues with Miranda because she’s jealous of Miranda. Me and Miranda have a normal functioning life. She can’t keep a husband for more than two years!”

“Where were you at for your first couple months of marriage?” Leah shot back, giving Corey a telling look. 

After things got increasingly hostile, Leah shouted “Monkey,” which is her unfortunately hilarious safe word from therapy. 

“I’m going to start calling monkey,” a frustrated Corey said, shaking his head. 

He then switched gears to the rumors surrounding Leah’s drug use. 

“Like when your kids come to tell you that their mommy’s asleep so hard core that they cannot wake her up and they have to make themselves breakfast,” Corey said, noting one particular situation that he had previously brought up to Leah.

“And what did I tell you about that?” Leah replied. “The doctors were testing me for narcolepsy, a sleep test study and no support from you or your wife.”

Things had only just begun between the two sparing former spouses. Corey then accused Leah of dating a new guy and bringing him around their children. 

“I’m not dating anybody. We were at a cookout. He does not live with me,” Leah said of the unnamed mystery man. 

“Then why are the girls telling me he lives with you and he sleeps there?” Corey asked. 

“He’s just a friend,” Leah said, adding, “Right now a guy is the least of my worries.”

She was right. Her worries instead came to light when Corey’s pregnant wife, Miranda, took the stage to dish out some of her own anger toward Leah. 

“When car seats are slung across the parking lot or you’re sitting in your truck instead of talking to me or communicating with me,” Leah said, explaining the tension she felt between her and Miranda. 

“Yeah, because of the past. I don’t blame her,” Corey chimed in.  

“What do you need me to get out of the truck for? What, do you want me to ask you how your day was, Leah?” Miranda sassily shot back. “Frickin’ monkey, okay? Because you’re not going to talk to me like that with your attitude.” 

Noticing some unexplained “hostility” from Miranda, Dr. Drew tried to get to the bottom of the pregnant blonde’s anger. 

“She’s disrespectful to my marriage,” Miranda simply stated, not going further. Dr. Drew continued to pry, asking if Leah and Corey had continued “relations” when he was with Miranda. 

“Things happened that shouldn’t have happened and it was disrespectful to Miranda and I have apologized,” Leah admitted, hanging her head. “That’s the only time that I disrespected her. Any other time I have never, ever let my kids say anything about her. I even told them that I expect them to respect Miranda as their stepmom.”

Naturally, Miranda and Corey disagreed, citing several on-camera scenes where Leah was trash talking them in front of the twins. Things got particularly petty when Miranda and Leah started fake smiling and shaking their heads at one another, Mean Girls-style. Then Leah burst into tears, overcome with the tension of the moment. 

“I feel so judged, and it’s so sad because my kids are going to have to look back on this and they’re the ones who’s gonna have to hurt,” Leah said. “I want them to have both Corey and I in their life. And I hope that we can think about just the girls and what’s best for them and not attack each other.”

“Just because we ask a question and he has a concern, it’s not an attack,” Miranda tried to reason.  

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“I think a lot of our problem is miscommunication,” Corey added. 

Tell Us: Whose side are you on in the Leah/Corey battle?

