Pat Robertson's Net Worth at the Time of His Death

Pat Robertson founded the Christian Broadcasting Network in 1960, and that helped the media mogul attain hundreds of millions of dollars throughout his lifetime. Robertson died in June 2023, and he leaves behind a legacy of pressing conservative Christian ideals into the GOP agenda. So, what was Pat Robertsons net worth at the time of

Pat Robertson founded the Christian Broadcasting Network in 1960, and that helped the media mogul attain hundreds of millions of dollars throughout his lifetime. Robertson died in June 2023, and he leaves behind a legacy of pressing conservative Christian ideals into the GOP agenda. So, what was Pat Robertson’s net worth at the time of his death? Here’s what to know.

Pat Robertson’s net worth at the time of his death

Christian media mogul Pat Robertson had an impressive net worth in his lifetime. He had an estimated net worth of $100 million at the time of his death.

Robertson is most well-known for founding the Christian Broadcasting Network, but that’s not how he got started. Before Robertson was involved in the Christian faith, he served in the Korean War with the U.S. Marine Corps. Once he returned in 1952, he headed to Yale Law School and later decided to enter ministry, earning a Master of Divinity degree from a New York seminary in 1959.

Then came Robertson’s rise to fame as a born-again Christian. He hosted The 700 Club, a talk show that began in 1966 and lasted 18 seasons. The show featured special guests and focused on news, commentary, and Christian ministry, and it was the flagship series on the Christian Broadcasting Network. Robertson started the CBN through a small station out of Virginia in 1961.

By 1977, the Christian Broadcasting Network hit cable and became the ultra-lucrative Family Channel.

Robertson attained such a following through the years that he ran for the Republican presidential nomination in 1988. He lost his bid to George H. W. Bush.

Pat Robertson said the Christian Broadcasting Network didn’t have money for the first broadcast

Pat Robertson’s net worth speaks for itself, but the Christian Broadcasting Network didn’t start out rich. CBN was the first television station in America licensed to broadcast 50% or more religious content. When CBN’s inaugural broadcast was scheduled, Robertson still owed money to get it up and running.

“I didn’t have the money on the day we were supposed to go on the air,” Robertson said on The 700 Club, according to a YouTube video posted by 700 Club Interactive. He then opened the Bible to a passage that helped him see his path. “And I thought, it’s coming,” he continued. “And I just began to praise God.”

Robertson then came across a friend whom he told about the network’s first broadcast, and he told the friend he needed $5,000. “And he said, I’ll let you have the five,” Robertson continued. ” … The engineer didn’t believe we’d get it, so he wasn’t ready.”

By 3 p.m. that day, the engineer put together his broken equipment and debuted the CBN’s first program.

He wrote about ‘the secret of financial prosperity’

Pat Robertson believed his net worth was God’s work.

“The law of use, coupled with reciprocity, makes an unbeatable combination,” Robertson wrote for The Christian Broadcasting Network. “Whatever talent God has entrusted to you, use with all your might.” He then explained that he met a partially disabled volunteer receptionist who no longer could collect welfare assistance. Robertson knew she was “uniquely gifted” in making Christmas ornaments showing religious scenes.

“I challenged her to use her talents,” he wrote. “In fact, I offered modest financial backing to get her started in her own business. The backing was never called for, because her creations were an instant success. Not only did her new income considerably exceed her previous welfare payment, she was able to employ four people to assist her.”

Robertson preached the art of investments — with some help from God, of course. “As you give, God will begin to pour His blessing upon you,” he added. “As you use your talents, under His direction, and allow your resources time to grow, His blessing will multiply beyond anything you can now imagine.”

Elements of this story were first reported by Celebrity Net Worth.

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