Nicole Forrester Accuses Josh Duhamel of Possibly Making Like John Edwards

According to Nicole Forrester, theres a 95% chance Josh Duhamel is doing a great impression of former Presidential candidate John Edwards. According to THG, of course, theres 99.99999% chance Nicole Forrester is full of crap.

According to Nicole Forrester, there’s a 95% chance Josh Duhamel is doing a great impression of former Presidential candidate John Edwards.

According to THG, of course, there’s 99.99999% chance Nicole Forrester is full of crap.

The Georgia-based stripper – who claimed in November that she regretted telling the tabloids about her affair with the actor… yet is now milking the allegation for loads of cash – tells The National Enquirer that she’s with child.

“Yes, I’m pregnant. Yes, it’s probably Josh’s. I haven’t decided what I’m going to do,” Forrester told the newspaper this week.

How confident is Nicole that Duhamel is the father? 95 percent, she said.

The Enquirer is rarely a reliable source, but it did correctly call the Edwards/Rielle Hunter affair.

It was also the first to detail Forrester’s supposed night of passion with Fergie’s husband, as she claims they had sex – bad sex, mind you – in a $820/night hotel suite after they met at Atlanta’s all-nude Tattletales Lounge club.

The publication says Forrester has passed a polygraph test.

Of course, Duhamel must do a lot more than simply deny an affair in order to emulate Edwards. He’s still an aide-assisted, state funds-used cover up and sex tape to go!

** UPDATE: Forrester has lashed out at this rumor “I am not pregnant.

“Apparently, because of mistakes I made in the past they feel I’m fair game and can print whatever lies they want just to sell magazines – I want this to stop now.

“This has not only hurt me but other innocent parties, including my children, who have to deal with the bully tactics of other children – that is not fair.

