Woman loses 4st in 5 months with simple diet plan after seeing photos from family wedding

Weight loss can be achieved by following various different diet plans and exercising more. In order to lose the weight, Anne followed The 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan which is a meal replacement programme which uses formula food soups, shakes, bars and other foods to replace conventional foods.

Weight loss can be achieved by following various different diet plans and exercising more. In order to lose the weight, Anne followed The 1:1 Diet by Cambridge Weight Plan which is a meal replacement programme which uses formula food soups, shakes, bars and other foods to replace conventional foods.

“During Christmas 2020, I hated the way I looked – I’d gained so much weight and my knees were starting to really hurt under the pressure of my weight gain.”

Anne explained that she had reached 14st 4lb.

She went on: “I also started to worry about how I’d look in the upcoming 2021 wedding pictures.

“I made it my New Year’s resolution to become the woman I deserved to be!

“I’ve never felt so confident or happy in my own body – I owe it all to Kirsty!

“I am determined to never go back to the mentally stressed, unhappy, unhealthy person that I used to be. I like this new confident and healthy version of me!”

Anne had managed to lose four stone with support from Kirsty while following her weight loss plan.

The NHS recommends slimmers lose between one to two pounds of fat a week in order to lose weight sustainably.

The website reads: “For most men, this means sticking to a calorie limit of no more than 1,900kcal a day, and, 1,400kcal for most women.

“If you find it hard sticking to a calorie limit, use a BMI calculator to get your own personal weight loss calorie allowance.”

Source: | This article originally belongs to Express.co.uk

